Meng SHI 施萌




卡耐基梅隆大学    06/2015      互动装置硕士

清华大学               07/2013     艺术设计学士, 经济学学士 (双学位)



英特尔研究院,互动设计师                                                                                   08/2015至今



匹兹堡大学医学中心人类工程实验室,用户体验设计师                                    06/2014





卡内基梅隆大学                                                                                                          08/2014-05/2015




清华大学                                                                                                                        09/2012  




清华大学                                                                                                                          09/2012 

与团队合作完成的北京市数据采集与可视化项目, 该项目在Ars电子艺术节,奥地利林茨和中国北京国际设计周展出。

Interaction Designer


Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                                                          06/2015

Master of Tangible Interaction Design

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China                                                                                                                         07/2013   

Bachelor of Arts in Information Design 

Bachelor of Economics in Economics (Dual-degree)


Work Experiences

Interaction Designer

User Experience Innovation group, Intel Labs, Hillsboro, OR                                                                                                Aug 2015-now

Lead designer of Smart Home project. Working on designing and prototyping next generation smart home product.

We already filled 11 design innovation patents.


UX Designer

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Human Engineering Lab, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                 summer/2014

Participated in four rehabilitation projects to develop Apps for wheelchair users. Improved and redesigned the structure and interface by analyzing users’ preferences.

  1. “My Smart Kitchen“ helps patient to control the safety of kitchen.
  2. “Cueing Kitchen“ helps Alzheimer patients’ to cook step by step.
  3. “Virtual Wheelchair Coach“ instructs patients how to buy a wheelchair.
  4. “PAMS“ is a workout App for wheelchair users.


Project Experiences

Thesis Project: Home-based Rehabilitation System. Designer

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA                                                                                                             fall/2014- summer/2015

Develop a home-based adaptive stroke rehabilitation system using computer vision techniques, smart objects and interactive digital feedback.

Service Design: Smart Nurse service system. Designer & Developer

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China                                                                                                                                                  fall/2012

Used Arduino and Processing to build a reminder for old people, especially for those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. It won the 3rd prize of Intelligent living competition hold by British Telecommunication and Tsinghua lab.

Data Visualization: GEOcity-Beijing. Designer

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China                                                                                                                                                  fall/2012

Beijing city data collection and visualization project. It was exhibited in Ars electronic arts festival, Linz, Austria and International Design Week, Beijing, China.